Monday, August 16, 2010

Update on Intel Sandy Bridge processor


orite..actually aku terbace bnde ni dalam mggu lepas, atau 2, 3 ari lepas x igt tp xkesah la. yg penting ni update untuk processor baru intel codenamed sandy bridge.

fyi, the new intel sandy bridge will feature core i3, core i5, and core i7 branding. I dont really know why they dont introduce new name for this batch of processor, probably the i series is still quite new, plus the technology is quite the same, cume yg pasti average nye this new batch would probably be 15-20% faster. For those yg x concern pasal sandy bridge ni mgkin x prasan pon intel da kuar processor bru sbb naming scheme yg agak confusing.

so, how to recognize sandy bridge?
ok...stended i series features 3 integers of naming scheme...for example,core i7 720, core i5 540, dan sewaktu denganye. untuk sandy bridge, dorang tambah '2' kt depan, so sandy bridge ade 4 nombor for every model. contoh: core i7 2600

for desktop variants, procs ni akan dikategorikan seperti berikut:
core i3 : hyperthreaded dual cores with TDP ranging from 35W to 65W.
core i5 : most probably will feature 4 cores on most of its model, rumours said there is no HTT for this particular series
core i7 : featuring 4 cores with HTT, most powerful of all i series variants.

there is also updates on the mobile parts, but not much, the slowest dual core i5 for mobile is 2.5ghz turboboost to 3.2ghz, pretty impressive if it is true, since they claim that is the speed for the slowest dual core.

yg penting, this will be the first 32 nm technology for quad cores mobile version. Dgr2 dkt notebookreview forum, taun depan kot sandy bridge ni akan digunakan secara meluas. haish, makin outdated la hardware2 aku..adoi

ok la stakat ni je..salam

credit to:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes [To All Photographer Open Your 'Lens'] - ماه...


ape kabar sume?cmne puase?mmg susah puasa ni....stakat nk tahan lapar n dahaga bleh nk dpt markah penuh tu susah..dugaan ade di mana2..intenet, tv, shopping mall, you name camtu la, same2 kite doa smoga segala ibadat kite ditrima...bunyi cam alim camtu la, at least bleh berdakwah kt dri aku sndri..hoho

ape2 pon..bersyukur btol aku visa aku dah di appprove..stelah ade prob psl surname aritu, aku bkn maen risau lg, setelah bpe kli call n email pihak university dan uk border agency, alhamdulillah segalanye beres..syukur

kli ni seblum berbuka aku nk sajikan korang ngan video clip dri lgu maher zain-open ur eyes...pergh tacing lgu ni...try ah dgr, especially psl ucapan muallaf kt dalam video..aku xnak ckp lebih2..korang tgk ah sndri, actually aku taw lgu ni pon dri adik aku..haha..bgus btol adik aku ni..

so camtu la..kirenye ni santapan rohani la..wakaka

orite..stakat ni dlu...salam

credit to

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa!!


it's been a very long time since my last post, da lame gile, tah la..rase cam xde mood nk tulis entry baru n semestinye xde idea...

sempena datang bulan Ramadhan Al-mubarak ni aku nk la tulis sket2 kt blog aku yg dah nyawa2 ikan ni, klu ade yg bace..terima kasih bebanyak..harap2 la ramadhan kali ni dpt dipenuhi dengan aktiviti2 yg bermakna dan dapat mendekatkan diri kite ni dgn Allah s.w.t...insyaAllah

ok...kali ni aku share sket pasal 1 movie yg aku tgk, agak best jgk, tajuknye Repomen

crite ni mengisahkan pasal Remy, dilakonkan oleh Jude Law, yg bekerja di syarikat yg membekalkan organ2 gantian kepada orang2 yg saket (ye la..x saket watpe tukar organ)..

tp problem kepada org2 yg saket ni..organ2 yg nk dibeli bukan nye murah macam chokie-chokie(btol ke aku eja?lantak la..haha) ,tp beratus-ratus ribu..
nak xnak dorang kene la bayar secara ye la dah barang mahal, nk bayar bulan2 pon konpem mahal ye x?so byk la orang yg x mampu byr...

dari situ dtg la peranan watak utama, Jude Law,, untuk ambek balik organ2 yg x dibayar ...max 3 bulan klu x bayar nahas..haha

so bermula la plot2 yg agak menarik...aku rekemen kt korang untuk tgk cite ni..tapi citer ni gory sket. byk darah n kadang2 macam x logik, x kesah la movie je pon, layan je ..haha

setakat tu dlu kali..selamat berpuasa..tapi yg paling aku runsing sket skg ni pasal visa..arap2 la sume ok je dan lulus trus..amin~

ok la..salam