Sunday, May 30, 2010

it is 3D!!


haa..cmne korang rse klu korang leh tgk 3D kt tv..sume bnde cam terkeluar dri screen..haha..skg ni...3D tv dah jd isu yg agak hot la is always moving..and it never stops..klu dlu hangat ngan hdtv..n hd broadcasting..skg ni 3d plak..

klu korang xtaw..(bg yg da taw tu..buat2 je xtaw..da bpe kali aku ckp bnde ni..haha)..Samsung da pon keluarkan 3D tv..perghh..gile ah..klu hari2 tgk cite 3d je..tak rosak ke mate?haha...of cos..diorang jual skali dengan spectacles tuk tgk(klu xsilap aku..klu slah sori..haha)..knonnye spec yg disupply tu ringan n selesa cam spec biase je..

spec tu ade built in receiver n battery..diorang ckp pengguna leh enjoy 3D tv tu slame 50 hours continously!!(larat ke?)

of coz syarikat len cam Sony xnak kalah..dorang pon akan kuarkn diorangnyer 3D tv klu xsilap June n xtaw ble akan available kt Malaysia..

tp klu ade tv aje...xde siaran cam xbest la ESPN, Imax, n beberapa siaran laen da pon beri green light yg dorang akan sapot bnde2 3D ni..

haa..tu gambar orang tgh tgk 3D nyer citer..haha..sje aku letak..xde gambar bosan lak..n klu Astro tgh bising n bangga yg dorang akan broadcast HD world cup taun ni...kt europe n US lak World Cup dis year akan ditayangkn dalam 3D!!

of coz for certain matches only(about 25 matches klu xsilap)..but from sources that i've read..only people kt US je leh enjoy tgk kat rumah dorang World Cup 3D tu..while orang kt Britain leh tgk kt public venue yg disediakan a very large 3D screen..

oklah...xnak aku tulis panjang2..byk gak article aku bce psl ni..klu korang nk taw..kt bwh ni aku link kn..wokeh salam...

Sources:credit to all of these websites
enjoy the links..^^


  1. ak da tgk 3d tv samsung tuh kt kdai n ak da test pki spec tue..
    xdla ringan mne pn..huhu
    n spec tue kne bli laen hrga,a bit costly klu xsilap~

  2. haha..iye?klu camtu ringan tu cam marketing gimmick je la..siot je dorang nie..haha
