harap korang sumer sihat ari ni, esok , dan seterusnya insyaAllah..
wokeh arini aku nk share pasal satu berite hot pasal intel..of course it's about the Sandy Bridge!!
ok..for those who didnt know much about this, Sandy Bridge is a codename given to the latest and soon to be launced(how soon i dont know) Intel processor.

Sandy Bridge will be the successor for the Nehalem microarchitecture(Nehalem refers to the Core i7, i5, and i3 processors) which is expected to be much more powerful and more power efficient at the same time.
The Sandy Bridge will be based on 32nm technology when it first roll out on the market and will be enhance to 22nm technology eventually!!imagine how powerful and power saving this little baby will be..haha)
Intel accelerated the production of the Sandy Bridge processor due to fact that it gets a very good response from the users of the early samples. It is known that they have increase their expenditure from 4.8billion$ to 5.2billion$. The default number of cores for this processor is 4!!and more cores will be introduced after that..probably will be 6 and 8 cores!!
Intel also said that the products with this kind of processor inside them will be available a few months after the chips ship. This kind of chip will be available for mobile as well...so those who are looking for a laptop or laptops(byk tu..plural..haha) should wait, if u are not so desperate in using one for now...seriously i dont mind to wait because my current system is quite ok kot,,haha..
so thats it la for now...post kali ni saje2 nk test english, lame da x tulis essay..haha..
ok la sumer..salam
credit to:http://www.notebookreview.com/, http://www.pcworld.com/