wah..lame sungguh aku menaip kt blog aku ni..haha
sbb malas dan xde idea...aku xnak la tulis ngarut2 sgt..x mengandungi fakta atau ilmu langsung xbest lak kan..haha..wlapon ade je post aku yang x bermanfaat..
wokeh,,kali ni aku nk citer pasal Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport..

which is the holder of the world's fastest road going car!
mgkin dlu kite penah dgr Bugatti Veyron pnah memegang rekod ni kan?tp dlu enjin nye x sepower macam skg..
dlu engine die 1001hp dan bleh pecut up to 400km/h(which is tested and verified by James May in Top Gear)..tp oleh kerana sikap tamak n jd lg laju..diorang g blasah tambah sampai 1200hp!!
churning out a massive 1500Nm of torque..
guess what?the top speed now is 425km/h(aik..igt kan byk naik..haha..mgkin diorang xpecut kaw2 lg kot..haha)
of course to support the new engine, the chassis has redesigned. These includes stronger stabiliser and the new absorber, there are other improvements but I guess u should check it out by urself..

diorang jugak dah bg sket kosmetic changes for this new Super Sport baby..of course to make she looks sexier and sportier, just like the engine..haha..
ekzos nye dah diposition kan kt tengah2...and it now featuring revised double diffusers..ade byk lg..kt bwh aku bg link..korang leh bace la klu korang free...
ok la dlu..setakat tu je..oh ye, klu ade dak2 fet yg bace, klu ade pape news pasal program fet tolong inform gak kt aku..takot aku terlepas update psl program kite lak..haha
credit to paultan.org
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