okeh,,mmg obvious tajuk kt atas tu tajuk movie..pagi td borim2 aku search kt intenet, pastu aku jumpe movie, ape lg..aku pon download la..maybe ade yg dah tgk, n ade yg blom...and i tell u what, sape yg x tgk..mmg kne tgk cite ni..best kot..haha

cam biase..setiap post aku msti aku letak gambar..haha(except 1st post..)..n cam biase jugak..cover depan movie msti akan tunjuk the main actor and actress yg berlakon..in case korang x kenal..yg laki tu nme die Josh Duhamel, n pompuan tu Kristen Bell(cute gak die ni...sbb tu aku download..wakaka)
this movie is romantic comedy actually, trust me..mmg klaka n bleh buat korang ketawa sorang2..haha..in the beginning of the story, it is very funny..n as it gets to the middle and the end of the story, the story is becoming more n more touching..haha
aku cite ah sket2..pompuan ni gile keje..n then one day adik die nk kawen..kt itali..so die g ah...fast forward sket..die pon g maen2 kt satu fountain tu sbb frust(tmpat orang lempar syiling to wish for love, tah la..haha)...sbb frust jugak...die pon maen2 n amek a few coins dalam fountain tu..knonye klu seseorang tu amek coin dalam fountain tu..the owner of the coin will fall in love to that person..(korang jgn pecaye lak..ni movie je..especially yg muslim n muslimah..haha)

gambar2 kt atas tu aku amek kt google je..xtaw nk credit kat website mne..so,,thanks to google and the picture owners for the pictures..haha
orite ah..salam
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